How did YOU overcome anxiety?


New member
lately i’ve been feeling super isolated and distant from the people around me, so i’ve made it a goal to seek out people with similar interests! the thing is, it’s really hard to be the one to approach someone else when the thought alone makes you break out into a sweat/tiny heart attack. especially when it involves games, and you’re a minority who’s avoided getting familiar with those spaces for… obvious reasons 😨
so, if you have anxiety like this and have found the right group/community for you, what are some tips for anxiety treatment you could give others who are struggling with it? what was it like for you?
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New member
@Kaldzikd It's been a while since you posted this, but in case you are still watching the thread I wanted to reply.

Anxiety touches a chord for me as I have in one way or another suffered from anxiety for years. For me, small group settings are the worst. I don't mind large crowds where I can disappear or one-on-one where I don't have to compete to be heard.

I'm not sure if I can offer much help regarding strategies for overcoming anxiety. I found as I reduced EMFs in my environment, that my anxiety lessened, and at times disappeared. I also find it rises back at times when my health is poor (which usually follows some significant EMF exposure).

This confirms the idea that anxiety neurosis is sometimes not anxiety neurosis, but neurasthenia and that neurasthenia is an environmental illness, not a natural condition of the human mind. Since you are posting on an EMF forum, do you suspect that the anxiety you experience may be related to environmental exposure to EMFs?

My best advice is to get into the sun in the morning and avoid screens at night (which I am currently not doing, in a fit of hypocrisy). If you can, turn the power to your bedroom off when you sleep, or even the whole house if you have to. Try this for a few weeks and see how you feel. Regard your cell phone as poison, and handle it accordingly.

I know I didn't answer all your questions, but I hope this will help, and I wish you the best on your journey.

Charlene from GA

I agree with KarsonLinton. As an "EHS" since 2010 (when I went from robustly healthy and able to sleep on a dime all night long to "can't sleep and what is that continual, loud electrical noise that goes up and down the scale like a frequency") I have been learning ways to cope. I researched and researched, but my first inclination was actually the most accurate. The gas company had just installed "something" on the side of my house that same day, and it sure sounded like extremely low frequencies to me, the kind that never lets a body relax. When I called the gas rep and told him what it sounded like, the first thing out of his mouth was that it was the new meter. Well, that was the last time I was allowed to talk to him. All these years later, I am still on my own (mostly) to help myself, because everyone's body does have a different response to the frequencies.

The anxiety I face is the "knowing" that I won't last long in a crowd of cell phone users or in a car with people who think turning their cell phone on "airplane" mode should fix it. It doesn't.

So to face my anxiety, I am kind to myself. I allow myself extra time to sleep, to relax, to not feel guilty about having more "me" time. I can't hang with people who refuse to understand my dilemma anyway, so why try. I have found that regardless of how much I share/explain/nicely email informative articles about the situation, people who used to be my friend just turn me down and then down some more, and finally off.

I take that time in the sun, don't use a cell phone, have no wi-fi at all, and I still feel it majorly from the volts that come in through the electric company past my meter box right into my house. I exercise to sweat out the toxins and to enjoy the wonderful outdoors. I eat organic and I fast regularly. I keep sugars to very minimum. I drink holy basil tea. There's more that I do, but my point is that we must love ourselves first. We must take time to enjoy the body that we were loaned. Until it's time to turn it in, it's the best time to love on ourselves. Please do that, everyone.

If you've read this far, you've done more than most people do. Thank you for reading my heart.