Problems with Digestion


New member
Symptom Title: Problems with Digestion

Symptom: Constipation/sluggish bowels

Address: Winnipeg

I began having problems over 5 years ago. Tried many different treatments both mainstream and alternative medicine to no avail. One year ago I discovered all my symptoms disappear when I leave the city, and improve when I leave my own house. i recently discovered that a “digital meter” was put on my house without my knowledge a few months before my symptoms began. I‘m told it’s not a smart meter and my EMF reader does not detect emissions. However, I live within 1.5km from the CBC TV/radio station and now 2 huge 5G towers appeared within 400m of my house, with 2 others less than 1 km away. I think the digital meter must do something different than my old analogue one because the timing is suspicious. I’ve lived in this neighbourhood over 25 years and had no problems until the past 5 years. But now there is simply too much stuff surrounding me and my body is overloaded.


New member
@Ladymacb I'm sorry to hear about your health challenges. I too started having gut challenges about five years ago. Lots of doctor visits and a few scopes later they said nothing was wrong with me. I started seeing a Naturopath who helped me adjust my diet with great success - almost all the symptoms disappeared.

The problem was, every couple of months things got worse again, and I had to go on a more and more restrictive diet. Long story short - there was a wiring error in my bedroom causing a magnetic field, and within a few weeks of switching bedrooms all my gut symptoms cleared up. That was not the end of my EMF journey, but it was the key moment in healing my gut. Today there are only a few foods I avoid, but I can tolerate small amounts.

What EMF meter are you using?

You may find this study interesting on the impact of 5G towers:


New member
Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out! I’m using the Cornet ED88T Plus 5G2, latest edition. It was affordable and seemed good enough for my purposes. My biggest struggle is that where I live there are no Building Biologists anywhere close. Closest one is in another Province hundreds and hundreds of kilometres away. I spoke to him on the phone, but there’s very little he can do without being on site and using his equipment. I bought a book on emfs and wiring but it’s more for electricians and is over my head. I have no way of discovering wiring errors or dirty electricity or any other things like it on my own. Mitigation specialists all say don’t use or install mitigation devices without having a building biologist assess things - and that‘s where I’m stuck. Things have improved a lot since my husband hard wired our ethernet to our devices and we eliminated cordless phones and other such devices. Things are manageable now and I’m even less affected by wifi in other people’s homes. I think I’ve seen the study on 5G you have linked. But I’ll take a look again. Thank you. I’m trying to inform myself through online seminars and videos and I’ve learned a lot. But wiring errors have eluded me and could still play a role. Dirty electricity is also a possibility as the digital meters add to the dirty electricity. But again, without a BB to guide me, there’s nothing I can to in terms of mitigation strategies.

Thank you for sharing your journey. I’m glad you are doing better!


New member

I'm glad to hear hardwiring made a difference for you and things seem manageable now. The Cornet is a good meter - it was my first one too. It won't catch everything that is going on, but it will help identify most big things.

Don't forget the Cornet is a single axis meter, so when checking for electric and magnetic fields you will want to take three readings: meter facing forward, meter facing sideways, and meter tipped on edge 90 degrees.

I hear you about the difficulty of not having a Building Biologist or other specialist nearby. Have you checked with any others than the one nearest you? I know some are more willing to assess remotely and will even rent the necessary equipment.

That said, don't let lack of access to a Building Biologist hinder your health - it's too important! Roman, who is the admin for this forum has one of the best resources out there if you aren't subscribed already: The Power Couple. Also, the book WiFi Refugee by Shannon Rowan is a worthwhile read.


New member
Hi there,

yes, I’m already subscribed to the power couple. I spoke with Roman on the phone a year ago when I first discovered the digital hydro meter and was looking for ways to get it off my house. But before I could get my head around all I’d need to fight it, my city council announced they’d be replacing water meters with smart ones and I’ve spent the last number of months trying to fight that (again, not much success as most people don’t seem to care). It’s an uphill slog, but hopefully in the Fall I’ll try contacting Hydro and see what I can do about the hydro meter that started my problems. I may try a different Building Biologist. Thanks for the tips!