Myth of Safe Limits

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Myth: Government cell phone and wireless safety standards protect us. (source: EHT Trust)

Fact: The USA does not have federally developed safety standards for wireless radiation.

The EPA, FDA and the CDC did not study the long-term health effects, and did not issue a report and make recommendations for a safe level.

No! The EPA was defunded.

Instead of safety limits developed by US health agencies, industry pressure and government loopholes resulted in the USA adopting guidelines that were developed decades ago for military men, not children, not people with smaller heads.

Here are some reasons why FCC and ICNIRP limits do not protect us- especially children....

Bees- Effects on Reproduction

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In his comprehensive review article, Ulrich Warnke cites multiple studies which examine the effects of radiofrequency radiation exposure on bees and notes the vital importance of bees as pollinators. Research has found behavioral effects after electromagnetic radiation exposure including inducing artificial worker piping (Favre, 2011), disrupting navigation abilities (Goldsworthy, 2009; Sainudeen, 2011; Kimmel et al., 2007) decreasing rate egg laying rate (Sharma and Kumar...